Новости » Новости FidoNet » Ru.Fidonet.Digest » AFTERSHOCK: AfterShock 1.6.9 open testing

> Толик Вдовичев сообщил, что:
> 1. AfterShock 1.6.9 может работать на современных версиях Android.
> 2. Приложение снова доступно в Play Store (пока там лежит довольно старая
> версия 1.6.7).
> 3. Новую версию 1.6.9 он загрузил для открытого тестирования и попросил
> сообщать ему о результатах.


* From : Tolik Vdovichev, 2:292/854.180 (11 Октября 2022 21:09)
* Subj : AfterShock 1.6.9 open testing
I had some relatively free weekends and was able to work on the application.
So, here's the good news:

1. AfterShock 1.6.9 can run on modern Android versions
2. Application is available from Play Store again

Play store link:
Current published version is 1.6.7 which is pretty old.

Also I uploaded version 1.6.9 for open testing.
Open test link: https://play.google.com/apps/test/com.asvcorp.aftershock/18

If someone is able to test new version, please let me know:
 - if 1.6.9 is really available
 - has no new bugs

Then I will promote it to public release.

Thank you for your long waiting and devotion.

= AFTERSHOCK (2:6035/3.1) ===========
 From : Tolik Vdovichev                     2:292/854.180   Пн. 17 Окт 22 12:14
 To   : Carlos Navarro
 Subj : AfterShock 1.6.9 open testing


 TV>> Also I uploaded version 1.6.9 for open testing.
 TV>> Open test link:
 TV>> https://play.google.com/apps/test/com.asvcorp.aftershock/18
 CN> Error 404 not found.

Please try this link first:

This link is for becoming app tester. Once you become a tester, perhaps the
initial link will become available.

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