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Похоже, что в регионах и сетях 2:37, 2:381 и 2:42 не осталось живых сисопов. Если у кого есть сведения о живых тамошних нодах - сообщите Варду.

Vladimir Donskoy

* От : Ward Dossche, 2:292/854 (02 дек 09 18:10)
* К : Vladimir Donskoy
* Тема : Service announcement
* Originally to All in the REGCON.EUR echo.

Due to the extended unavailablity of some regions, the status of these regions' nodes (which btw were already "Hold") was d to "Down".

The regions concerned are:

Z2:37 Hungary
Z2:42 The Czech and Slovak Republics

Z2:381 Croatianet is also completely "Down" and slated for removal.

If anyone knows anything about these geographical areas, perhaps there still is life, then please let me know.

This request has already been made prior without any feed-back resulting.


%/@rd Dossche

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